Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Has anyone been to Samar Province in the Philippines.Near Calbayog City?

I have been to Samar Province back in March 2006 and found a girlfriend there and hopefully she'll be my wife when i return next year.But anyway i tried to look up some info about this province and i came up with nothing.Can anyone suggest a good website with info about the province or a book.
Has anyone been to Samar Province in the Philippines.Near Calbayog City?
Ihaven't been there myself, but I hope the following will help, the third is a religious settlement.
Has anyone been to Samar Province in the Philippines.Near Calbayog City?
try this sites

try searching
try this sites

try searching
yeah i couldnt find anything else online on samar.

Maybe try this link
Nope..can't help you there.

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